• Question: What is your definition of science?

    Asked by push16and to Peter, Mary, Jacquie, George, Boniface, Alice on 12 Feb 2021.
    • Photo: Jacquie Oliwa

      Jacquie Oliwa answered on 12 Feb 2021:

      Not really my definition, but paraphrased..Science is the study of the world/nature and behaviour of natural things/phenomena and the knowledge that we obtain about them. using systematic methods of observation and recording.

    • Photo: Boniface Oyugi

      Boniface Oyugi answered on 12 Feb 2021:

      For me science is the use of evidence to understand the daily occurrences (both social and natural) through a very organised methods and materials. Finding out why things happen as they do.

    • Photo: Mary Bitta

      Mary Bitta answered on 15 Feb 2021:

      In addition to what Jackie and Boniface have said, I would also arguably add that science involves generation of knowledge that can be reproduced, i.e if someone else uses the same methods that you used to make your conclusions, they should get the same, or similar results.

    • Photo: Alice Kamau

      Alice Kamau answered on 15 Feb 2021:

      There are various definitions based on the branch of science. In addition to what my colleagues have said, science is the application of knowledge obtained from the natural and social world based on evidence.
